Saturday, October 16, 2010

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

One of my favorite (and least favorite) things about the Church down here in South Texas is that it's relatively small compared to all the other places we've lived. We have 11 units in our stake; 9 of them are Spanish speaking, and TWO are English! Yes people, this is south, south Texas...almost northern Mexico!

Due to the fact that there really aren't all that many kids, all the girls here of all ages are friends and get along so well! We decided to have a girls late night party at our house on Friday night (we sent Trevor to the movies!). We had 13 girls - from 3 to 13 and a great time was had by all!

Let the fun begin! Waiting for more friends to arrive.

Pizza! These girls put down 3 family size pizzas, lot of jell-o, chips, cookies, cupcakes, 6 quarts of lemonade and lots of candy!


The big girls painted the little girls' nails.

The Beauty Table

Some of the little girls took a stab at doing the big girls' makeup.
The big girls were such good sports!

Movie Time

Working on the puzzle

Still working....

And finally, just when the brothers arrived, the girls' persistence paid off!


Jan said...

Now that you are the mom you can fulfill all your social fantasies! Finally your dreams come true & you don't have to be the first one to leave. Looks like fun for all!

Missy said...

I loved reading this post. Of course the party is at your home! What a great idea, love that there are 11 girls from 3-13.

Have so much fun on your cruise!! And take your time emailing back, no rush..

Nate said...

I've been spending a sleepless night getting caught up on blogs and YOU my friend are up to ALOT! I'm especially impressed with the homeschooling gig. I'd love to pick your brain about that one.
I really admire the positive attitude that you have in all your posts. Keep up the good work!