Monday, October 11, 2010

Audra's Style

Three and a half. It's really not the best phase of life for the Cardon girls. We don't have terrible twos. My two-year-olds are sweet. It's my three year-olds. Cardon girls are sweet and sour at this age.

Audra is fitting the mold quite perfectly. Like most little girls, she loves to dress herself. When the other girls were younger, I used to change their clothes before going into public. But, I'm over that now. I mean, who doesn't know that little girls like to dress themselves??!?!? I love that she loves how she looks. I mean, wouldn't you, if you were wearing outfits like this....


Missy said...

I'm with you on this one - 3 years old and ignoring what they wear, not worth the trouble to ask them to change;) Plus, could she get any more proud of her choices?

Mike and Shelby said...

AMEN! I'm never even sure that I'm gonna make it through that 3 year old year! But, man my 2 year olds are sweet and enjoyable as can be! But, she is pretty darn cute no matter what she wears!