Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Baby Is Really Smart

He can touch his knee to his nose.

That's right people, I said HE! We made a boy! Who would have thought it was possible?!?!?

Now we are going to spend the next 3 months convincing Audra that Pinkalicious just isn't going to work for the name. Every time we say that it's a boy, she says, "No it's not! I ordered a girl!" Poor girl. Her heart is broken :( but we're thrilled!


Susan Kendig said...

Congratulations, How lucky are you? I am so happy for Trevor especially but really for everyone. Now you'll have to think about a playmate for him. Nobody wants to be a lonesome little boy at the end of the line! It takes 3 to set up a tent. Love to all..Aunt Sue

Lindsay Cahoon said...

Yay! I can't wait to see what a Cardon boy will be!

the shaws said...

Congratulations, great photo.

Katie said...

i still can't believe it's a boy!!! he'll be one spoiled baby with 3 older sisters! congrats again!

Missy said...

No way!! I can't believe...3 girls and a baby boy.

I'm so happy for you Kimmie! And I feel like I have so many questions for you now so I will just email you.

xxo and congrats!

The Joslyn Family said...

I can't believe it! That is the most exciting news! Congrats!

Jeff and Kandis said...

I am thrilled for you!!! Congrats!! You will LOVE a sweet boy!

Nate said...

YeeHAA! Hooray for boys! I can't believe it, but I am super excited for you guys. He is one lucky little dude having all those adoring older sisters.
Congrats Kimmie!

Melissa + Brett said...

HOORAY!!!!!!!!! Tavin and Audra can sulk together. Tav wanted Shad to be a girl too. Funny how they make their minds up at such a young age!

Mike and Shelby said...

CONGRATS! Oh, man, I love my boy! What a thrill for you!

...So sad that "Pinkalicious" won't work out. ;)